Adult immunization: Opportunities in social media and persuasive technology?

In my section of the panel, I will briefly review some work in the peruasive technology space and introduce some high-level principles. I will then discuss which of these apply to one-off behaviors as well as ongoing behavior change efforts, and, finally, some potnetial applications for adult immunization efforts.

Slides (7MB PDF)

Bio Sean Munson is a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan's School of Information, where he studies the use software to support positive behavior changes. His work primarily focuses on the domains of political news and opinion access and health and wellness. He is an Intel PhD fellow.

Sean completed his BS in Engineering with a concentration in Systems Design at Olin College in 2006. At Olin, he was one of 30 students who spent a year developing the new college before becoming part of the first-ever class. He has been a political blogger and, while working at Boeing, designed concepts for future passenger airplane interiors. Sean will be joining the University of Washington's Department of Human Centered Design and Engineering as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2012.

smunson at uw dot edu
323D Sieg Building
Campus Box 352315

Seattle, WA 98195
Pronouns: he / him
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