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HCDE310: Interactive Systems Design & Technology - Schedule - A13

WeekDatesTopicReading (optional in parens)Homework
1 Sept 24

Introduction to the Course, Computers, and Python.

Zelle ch 1
(Downey ch 1)

Downey ch 2, 6-7
Zelle ch 2, 4.1-4.4, 4.6, 3
Zelle 11.2 — 11.2.2

HW0: SW installation; basic string operations

2 Sep 29, Oct 1

Operations on strings and lists. Iteration on sequences. File operations. Version control.

Zelle ch 3
(Downey ch 6 & 7)

Zelle ch 7
Downey ch 4

Zelle 11.6;
Zelle 4.5
(Downey ch 5)

HW1: Count chars, words, lines in a file; setting up an svn repository.

HW2: File operations.

3 Oct 6, Oct 8


Dictionary data structure

Mashups & APIs

Zelle ch 3
(Downey ch 6 & 7)

Zelle ch 7
Downey ch 4

Zelle 11.6;
Zelle 4.5
(Downey ch 5)

P0: Find an interesting API

HW3: Contributor counts

4 Oct 13, 15

Functions. Parameter passing and returning values

Indefinite iteration; nested data structure, and nested iteration

JSON processing

Ideation & Prioritization

Zelle ch 6
(Downey ch 6 & 7)

“The Art of Brainstorming”

HW4: Refactor HW3 using functions; output as .csv files; generate charts in Google Docs, Excel, or D3

P1: Adding value to data

5 Oct 20, 22

Objects and Classes

Mid-quarter course feedback

URL lib; Try/except;

Note: class will end early on 22 October

Zelle ch 8

Zelle ch 10
(Downey chapters 15-18)

Tutorial on urllib2;
Zelle 7.4

HW5: Calculate likes and comment frequencies from a JSON feed, use classes
6 Oct 27, 29



List comprehensions

Sorting tutorial

List comprehensions: Wikipedia; another explanation w/ nice examples

HW6: Fetching and processing a live feed.
7 Nov 3, 5

Google App Engine

App Engine & HTML Forms

HTML tutorial

Severance ch 2; CSS tutorial

Getting started with App Engine

P2: Project proposal.


8 Nov 10, 12

HTML & CSS (briefly)

12 Nov: Review time. Bring questions.

Note: Sean away 12-16 November
Review — exercises from books.

HW8: Sorting; more data processing.


9 Nov 17, 19

17 November: App Engine & OAuth

19 November: topic TBD, maybe DataStore?

10 Nov 24, 26

24 Nov: Exam in class

26 Nov: optional project time.

11 Dec 1, 3

App engine: Datastore


Using datastore

Using the users service

Map-Reduce: tutorial (don't worry too much about the syntax), App Engine Overview

R1: Resource writeup

F Dec 11 P3 & P4: Final projects due / presentations
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